WEGELEBEN, WILLIAM H. DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF $172260. Office of the Governor HEINEMANN, BRENT A. DIR INT REL/PRO $137388. Office of the Governor MEINIG, MARY B. ACT DIRECTOR OMB $131544. Go ahead and compare them to Gary Locke's last Budget. More staff and much higher paid?.yet ... According to the State's own HR Dept., benefits average 31% and vacation/sick leave/personal leave & Holidays amounts to 17-18% of the workdays. That my friend works out to approx. $1 BILLION. ...
Tesla with King Peter II of Yugoslavia at the bHotel/b New Yorker July 15, 1942. It is strange that Tesla, one of the most brilliant inventors ever, would die penniless and his ?trusted assistant", according to Otto Skorzeny and some b....../b To the west of Dölitzsch was the town, bWegeleben/b, home of Martin Bormann. Bormann posed for a photograph with the Scherf family (see photo), [46] along with Skorzeny and Joseph Mengele, an occasion facilitated by the roles they were all ...
fritz bwegeleben/b, 0608 artjanz 0608. die kulturelle arbeit an der basis darf nicht vergessen werden. also, wir suchen uns sponsoren für eine weiterarbeit. denn so profan es auch klingen mag, ohne kohle, keine kultur. ...